Meows and Moscato

I'm not going to pretend like I have a terribly interesting postgrad life, but I do have a love for cats and wine and writing about those things with an overdose of sarcasm. It's a personal blog, so it's not eagle-eye edited for AP Style correctness.
I'm also pretty lax with my curse language, so if you're looking for my more professional work, head to the clips section.
I'm also pretty lax with my curse language, so if you're looking for my more professional work, head to the clips section.

For Fundamentals of Online Journalism (Fall 2011), we had to keep up a blog for the quarter. Posts included small writing assignments and a quarter-long critique of one of our favorite publications' websites. I chose for obvious fangirl reasons.
Easy H: Witticisms and Criticisms of an aspiring entertainment journalist

For Review and Criticism (Spring 2012), we had to create a blog to post our reviews throughout the quarter. We did movie, live music, food, theater and television reviews. I also wrote pop culture essays on two loves of my life: Meg Cabot and Michael Crichton.
The Daily Grind

Also in Fall 2011, I took an English class called "Writing about Culture," which focused on writing about food. My blog includes posts about coffee, creameries and sandwiches, because of course. (And, yes -- I did cheat and use the same-ish banner for both Fall 2011 blogs. I only had Photoshop for a 30-day free trial, okay?!)